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Austrian travelers are walking 2000 kilometers – old amber way

Two Austrian travelers Helmut Kapeller (Helmut Kapeller) and Kučers Walter (Walter Kutscher) on Saturday, the first June at. 10.00 in the Freedom Monument will parade through the ancient Amber Road.
Travelers from AustriaAlmost three-month-long expedition members will travel from Riga to Karnuntumai (Austria) a total of more than 2,100 kilometers, passing through Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Austria.

During the meeting with the board of “Riga | 2014” Diana Civle managers and program managers Aiva Rosenberg, travelers stressed that it was Riga’s emergence as the European Capital of Culture, has led to a move to begin in Riga.

Riga 2014 in a prominent role to amber in a number of international projects through building a new European cultural networks, which combine the ancient amber trade route in the new interdisciplinary collaboration,” informed D.Civle.

“European Capital of Culture in Riga want to show how modern or future amber home,” characterized by A. Rosenberg, Austrian travelers telling us RTU Professor Inga Ļašenko invented amber thread, having the medicinal properties. This unique invention used in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry was created by the artist Iveta Vecenanes show that appeals to Riga in 2014 and is now seen in Washington, DC (USA). A. Rosenberg welcomed the fact that the Baltic amber connoisseurs and expanding circle of friends.

Amber way mapIt is planned that in 2014. book will be released in the spring of this trip experiences and presentation will take place in Riga.


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